Sunday, March 24, 2013

Water problem in Yemen

Water problem in Yemen

Water is the most precious resource and the source of life on our planet, the earth. Without it all living organisms will die out. The problem of drinkable water shortage is very common in a lot of countries all over the world. There are a lot of reasons that cause water shortage such as rarity of rainfall, bad management of available water resources or fights over the existing sources of water. One more cause of water shortage is the increase of world population and the stability of water supply sources. One of the countries that are suffering from the problem of water shortage is Yemen. In the past, the problem in that they mainly depend on wells water and ground water. The causes of the water problem in Yemen are many. But I choose the most two important problems. Firstly, Yemen does not have rivers and depends mainly on underground water and the little rainfall. Secondly, the increase in population puts more demand on water and consequently consumption goes up every year Yemenis like to have many children at their homes and forget the problems that  might face them in the future. For example, the population of Yemen doubled over the past twenty years; Yemen has one of the highest rates of population increase worldwide. I think the government must get a quick solution for the water shortage in the country because the population is increasing every day. I think the best solution is to recycle the waste water and use it for washing and other uses. Finally, water shortage is a worldwide problem that a lot of countries around the world suffer from. The government must provide the poor people with water.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Houbara summary

The Abu Dhabi International Hunting and Equestrian Exhibition had organized an exhibition that had joined around 40 different countries that all speak about houbara. The Abu Dhabi government had made a strategy that every year they will release houbara in the wild life but the number had passed their thinking. The center of houbara is called IFHC. The AD government had a deal with AD education to teach the students about the environment, especially about houbara. Before houbara were getting lower because the poaching and hunting by shot guns. Now many hunters have stopped hunting by the old ways. The older generation might return the falcon to the wild life; the new generation keeps the falcon and puts it in the falcon center. At the exhibition they develop a strategy to stop the people that they hunt houbara by the old way. One of the examples to teach the student about the houbara and the way  to hunt it Saeed is a student and also a hunter; he likes this hobby because it’s  interesting and every day he learns something new. At last they said that the best way is to eliminate the black market; it’s safer to keep them away from the black market.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

How do Gulf corals beat the heat?

How do Gulf corals beat the heat?


How can coral survive in summer with high temperatures in the sea? It’s an interning topic. As a first step they sent some samples from Gulf coral to British labs to check. The coral live in symbiosis with zooxanthellae, a type of algae that lives inside the coral's tissue. The algae produce sugar which is the source of the coral’s energy it takes the sugar from the algae’s reaction. Algae have positive and negative reactions; the positive I mentioned it; for the negative reaction at high temperature algae can damage the coral by producing harmful chemicals reactions. The coral's white skeleton is made of calcium carbonate whose minerals are the same substance as human bones - and is sensitive to changes in water chemistry. Experts fear that in the future coral might disappear if they don’t get any solution for it.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

New Pearl Musem opens in RAK

                                             New Pearl Musem opens in RAK
RAK was well known as the main center of the pearl trade in the UAE and the Gulf area. The pearl trade and pearl diving, however, came to an end with the invention of the Japanese cultured pearls. In an effort to maintain the history of this trade , the RAK government has set up the pearl museum. It is located on Al Qawassim Corniche and it is one of a kind in the region. The museum belongs to a company that has been farming cultured pearls since 2005.The museum consists of two floors. As soon as the visitors step into the museum, they feel that that they are in a different world. The interior of the museum is made up of the oyster shells.  A large variety of pearls, which were all born in RAK, are displayed in the museum in different shapes and sizes. On the first floor of the museum, there is a detailed showcase of the gear and tools that were worn by the divers. The second floor contains photographs of traditional Japanese female divers in addition to displays of the world's famous pearls, as well as instructions on how to distinguish between the natural and the cultured pearls. The most remarkable pearl is  RAK's 12mm “Miracle of Arabia "that is placed on a red velvet throne inside the museum. There is also a boat that contains all the tools that divers needed during their pearling journey.